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De "gordita del curso" a tonificada modelo fitness: Mira el espectacular cambio de esta mujer

De "gordita del curso" a tonificada modelo fitness: Mira el espectacular cambio de esta mujer

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FOTOS: Un impresionante cambio en la vida personal que se ha hecho viral en redes sociales.

De "gordita del curso" a tonificada modelo fitness: Mira el espectacular cambio de esta mujer
Miércoles 19 de julio de 2017 15:34
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Meghan Gilbert de 21 años por mucho tiempo tuvo que soportar las bromas o sobrenombres que la trataban de "gordita", "muslos de trueno" ó muchas indirectas que en su día a día eran un verdadero martirio.

"Odiaba mi cuerpo y todo sobre mí, por eso seguía comiendo porque llegó un momento que ya nada me importaba" contó Meghan al diario británico Mirror que contó su historia haciendo viral y portadas de diferentes medios a nivel mundial.

El primer diagnostico recibido por la joven de 21 años era que sufría de una depresión y de gran ansiedad. Fue en ese momento que prometió volver a amarse a sí misma y decidió comprometerse a tener ese saludable cuerpo que tanto había soñado.

Comenzó haciendo ejercicios en su casa, más tarde en un parque y finalmente contrató a un entrenador personal.

"Al principio fue difícil, pero sabía que tenía que hacerlo. Creo que los tiempos difíciles te hacen más fuertes. Aprendí a comer bien y saludable, ahora me encanta hacer ejercicios", señaló al medio inglés.

Su nueva figura es sorprendente, el cambio en su cuerpo no fue lo más importante, sino el que vivió interiormente. Su mayor consejo sin duda es "Aprende a quererte a sí misma, una vez que comprendas eso tendrás mucha más confianza, felicidad y salud"

The little girl on the left grew up living a dark life. She hated going shopping because everytime she looked in the mirror, she would cry and claim that the lighting made her look fatter. So in order to feel better, she ate fries and drank a large Dr Pepper or 4. Little meghan wouldn't wear shorts or tanks even in 105 degree Texas heat, because she was so self conscious. Deep down, she wanted more than anything to love herself, but she didn't know how.. so she started to pop pills and party. She lost all faith and all love. She was dancing with the devil, and ended up being roofied and raped. From then on, she went on a black out spree. She didn't eat and trained her brain to hate food, until the day she overdosed. When I woke up, I saw the tattoo on my foot "walk by faith, not by sight", picked up my stuff, left college, and went through healing. The first step was learning how to love again, starting with loving myself. I trained myself to eat, which cannabis helped greatly with. I started by go to the park on walks and runs,doing body weight exercises. I got a trainer, and started to be confident. Even the days I was down, I would push myself. DEPRESSION WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!! Change your mindset. Love is the GREATEST. Jesus commandment to us was LOVE. So start there. LOVE yourself, LOVE others, and LOVE your creator. 💚 80 lbs down 🙏🏼 props to @justinclemons for this beautiful photo taken in dallas at White Rock lake 😻

Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 12 de Jun de 2017 a la(s) 10:44 PDT

The girl on the left was 200 lbs of depression, anxiety, and sin. I was addicted to drugs and I partied every night. I woke up in the morning wanting to forget that I had to wake up this morning.. my life was just..sad. I hated every part of my body and being until I took one too many pills and sipped one too many drinks, waking up after 36 hours of straight sleep. Well, could be longer. When I woke up from my overdose, I saw my tattoo "walk by faith not by sight" and that's when I knew I wasn't doing life right. The Bible PREACHES LOVE! That's Jesus's commandment. So that's where I started. I loved myself. I loved the gym. I loved the hardship. I loved the pain and soreness. I loved the people around me. And most of all, I loved God. When you first start to lift weights and someone pushes you to go harder, most the time you say no I can't do that much! But then you try, and you get one Rep out. You think you can't do it, but in reality you can. It hurts. You build muscle by tearing it down... Same thing goes in life. You gain strength through hardship. You will always have gloomy times in your life, and what matters most is your mindset. Saying no, I can't do it and not trying. Or saying yes, I can do it. I will try. I won't give up, no matter how hard it is or how much it hurts. I trust You, God. After the pain and trials, you end up stronger. I started at a 5lb dumbell, and now I'm lifting a 25lb. It hurt when I first lifted that 5.. so bad. But I kept on going. To 10. It hurt. To 15. It hurt. The same goes for life. Trials are like God's gym. Building you up to prepare for what is to come next. ❤️ 80 lbs downs plus a gained mindset of strength and endurance. Clean for 2 years and one month 😊😊😊😊😊🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 9 de May de 2017 a la(s) 12:37 PDT

The biggest difference that I see between these two photos is the amount of self love and confidence that I truly had. Growing up, I simply didn't know what diet or exercise was. I knew about basic PE stuff in elementary but had no clue about anything else. I didn't know about mental health or strength. I hated myself, so I had no care about what I ate or even did. I hit rock bottom. I started doing drugs, and I eventually stopped eating which turned into anorexia. I only lost about 15-20 pounds and pretty much no size. I just looked horrible.. eventually I had an overdose. That's when I knew I had to change. I found God, which gave me strength, courage, hope, love, and confidence. I started to workout twice a day and dieted strict. Most of all, I learned to love myself. I didn't care what I looked like I just cared about what I felt like. I am confident and beautiful no matter what anyone thinks. ❤💚 hashtag your photos with #mtv8nmovement and go like and support the girls and it's guys who are all on the same journey.

Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 15 de Mar de 2017 a la(s) 1:46 PDT

TAGSOMEONE! Long post but worth the read The left was me junior year in highschool when I was 170lbs, 30 pounds lighter than I was my senior year. I hated shopping. I owned only a few different clothing items because I did not want to see my self in the dressing room mirror. Every time I did, I would cry. I hated everything about myself, so much that I had no self respect and started popping pills at the age of 15. Eating disorders took over my life. I grew up in an environment where fast food was normal and exercise didn't matter. When college came, I didn't care about my life at all. Maybe my partying and drug use was a cry for help.. binging slowly starting turning into starving because I'd rather spend my money on pills. I wouldn't eat for days. I was sick. In April 2015, I had a week without food and only drugs and alcohol. I was blacked out the entire time.. I woke up on my floor after sleeping for over 30 hours and I saw the tattoo on my foot that says walk by faith not by sight. That was the moment when everything changed. I left Texas state and moved back in with my parents for a few months where they watched my eating and made sure I learned to eat again. I got a trainer and learned how to lift. I started to find pages that inspired me to love myself (@getfitjules and @tk_line09). I also followed pages like @gymgirlvideos so I could study workouts! Do RESEARCH! I found strength through God. I focused on Him, and He taught me to love myself. When I learned to love myself no matter how I looked, I wanted to workout and eat healthy to take care of my body. Life started to become precious... I've been clean for 23 months, and now am healthy sitting at 121 pounds. If you read through all of this, just know to not give up. There is so much bad in the world but YOU can be the light. I'm just a normal girl.. Can you imagine if we made a chain reaction? Post your journey. inspire others. They will inspire you right back. Let's make this a movement. HASHTAG #MTV8NMOVEMENT on your pictures so i can see and watch your progress. Over time I'll do some giveaways to those who are really trying and active in this challenge. Please do this for me. 💚

Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 8 de Feb de 2017 a la(s) 1:55 PST

W H A T I S T H E F I R S T S T E P // I can't begin to explain how important this answer is.. I spent so much time trying to do workouts and trying diets, starving myself, fake magic pills, metabolism medicine. Nothing worked. I remember the feeling I had at this wedding on the left. I was so uncomfortable and hated every single thing about my body and myself. I had no confidence or self respect or love. When I started my REAL weight loss journey, I had a near overdose which was life changing. I knew I needed to walk by faith and not by sight.. and that included learning to love and respect myself. I refused to put a chemical in my body, and started teaching myself what kind of nutrients my body needs. I started giving my body exercise. Once I STARTED to eat again, my metabolism went crazy! But, what kept me going is loving myself. Make the change today and learn to love you for however you look. Be confident and be bold. Love every flaw. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. When you start to love yourself, you'll start to care more and more about the foods and chemicals you put into your body. Trust me, loving yourself is the best feeling in the world.

Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 5 de Dic de 2016 a la(s) 10:39 PST

T H E S T R U G G L E // that you are in today is only preparing you to have the strength you need tomorrow.

Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 7 de Dic de 2016 a la(s) 1:47 PST



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